Originally Published on FutureHealth
It was something that I started a number of years
ago. I can't remember exactly what the simpleincident was (something
like someone picking up something I dropped), but in that moment I
recognized, truly recognized, that someone did something for me...just
because they were being kind. I said "thank you", but somehow that
moment made a larger impact on me than whatmy words were able to
It wasn't long after that Iwas playing around with my "brand new"
computer and printer (you know, DOS or early Windows and thedot matrix
kind)to makesome business cards. I thought about that day and made
some cards that read something like:
"Iknow it may seem like a small thing that you did for me today
and that those things may often go unnoticed or unacknowledged. I just
wanted to let you know that you made a difference in myday today.
Please watch for someonewho makes a difference in your day and pass
this on."
I printed a couple of pages of these andkept them with me. The
first reaction Ihad surprised me. I had wanted to let the person know
theymade a difference in my day and his reactiontold me that I had
made an unexpecteddifference in his byacknowledging his kindness (if
I remember right, he openeda door for me). I got a similar response
from the next person, and then the next, and the next. A couple of
people looked more confused, butby then I smiled anyway, knowing that
it may have at least caused them to consider the moment a little
more.Knowing that they had made a small difference in my day and that
Imight havemade asmall difference in their day somehowgave me an
indescribablefeeling inside. I started looking for these small acts
of kindness even more and became even more aware of them.
Over time, Ibegannoticing that I got that same feeling inside
even if I didn't wait for the person's response. I also started
noticingthose little moments when someone did something for someone
else and I eventually changed the cards to say, "it may seem like a
small thing you did for someone today.....I just wanted to let you know that it made a difference in myday
today..." Seeing those expressions of kindness toward someone else as
well as the reaction (or my perception of their reaction if I didn't
wait to see it) of the person receiving the card brought that same
feeling inside. It no longer had toinvolve meexcept as an observer.
It was about those little momentsof kindness toward another human
being that we often overlook - those moments that let us know that we
are not alone and that we do affect each other in some way.
I didhave a few cards that said, "you made a difference in
my life" and passed out a few of these as well, butit was my awareness
of the little moments that made the largest impact for me. The earth
didn't shake, but I did experience it in a different way. Sometimes I
even noticeda sense of gratitude in theunexpected moments. The
person who cut in front of someone in line reminded meto consider a
sense of fairness.The frustrated parent in the store reminded me of
the importance of patience. My own impatience and frustration reminded
me of the importance of understanding and accepting our humanness as
well as forgiving ourselves and others (that's been a really tough one
to see at times). The eyes of the homeless person reminded me of the
importance of compassion and a sense of dignity. My clients remind me
of the courage it takes to be vulnerable in front of another human
being, tostep away from what is known into the unknown, to
change,andto ask for help ornew perspectives.
There were many moments that I missed and continued to see in the
old way, but I increasingly saw the world in a different way. Years
later, I stilloften forget that each moment provides me with the
opportunity to learn something - about the world, others, myself, my
beliefsor values, orthe importance of feeling connected to it all.
Those moments don't always come in my "preferred" mode, but the lessons
are there to help me understand something ifonly I am willing
tolearn. Perhaps each moment and each person makes a difference in
our lives in some way. Perhaps the universeis trying to help and the
question is more about how wedecide to live in it and look at it from
moment to moment...
"The real voyage of discovery consists not inseeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."à ‚¬"Marcel Proust