Editors Only
Tips for Senior Staff on Using the Promotions Control Panel
step: Click on the toggle button at the top of the promotion page. That
will show you how many items are already promoted for each category and
how long they have been up. If there are already 8 H2 headlines, you
know, that if you're going to promote anything to H2, you will have to
un-promote some. Do that by clicking on the blue X. I found 11 H2
headlines this morning. Three were not visible. We don't want that. I
tend to un-promote articles that have been up more time, preferably over
20 hours. Sometimes you have to be more aggressive though. Try to leave
senior staff and our top writer items up longer.
After you've
cleared spaces in the different headline slots, do your promoting. Keep
H4 in mind, especially if there are images. Also consider articles with
images for H1 headlining. And consider grabbing images from flickr to
add to H1 articles.
Keep in mind that most trusted authors
articles are usually automatically promoted to H3. But usually, so many
are on the site that some won't be displayed. Manually promoted H3s get
priority. If you see an H3 article that you want to be sure is visible,
manually promote it to H3.