The Psychology of Empathy by Saberi Roy (14)
Is Nonviolence Effective? by Mikhail Lyubansky (13)
Expand Your Happiness and Pleasure Vocabulary: OMG? How Do YOU Say Something, Some Experience is Amazing, Awesome? by Rob Kall (11)
Building a Racially Just Society: Psychological Insights by Roy Eidelson (11)
Guia De La Anatomia De Experiencias Positivias by Rob Kall (10)
Visions of a Positive Future vs Fixing a Pathological Present by Rob Kall (10)
6 Reasons You Can't Win (And 3 Reasons You Can Anyway) by Robert Fuller (10)
John Robbins on "The New Good Life - Living Better Than Ever In an Age of Less" by Joan Brunwasser (10)
Positive Psychology-- Promising a Better Humanity by Rob Kall (10)
My Early Days in Positive Psychology-- 1981-present by Rob Kall (10)
Prozac of the Neanderthal ,The origins of Human Religious Behavior by Abbas Sadeghian (10)
Smile Anatomy: Emotional Self Regulation and Facial Expression Muscle Measurement and Training by Rob Kall (9)
Anatomy of Positive Experience: Brief Outline by Rob Kall (9)
Can We Reinvent Ourselves? by Lewis Mehl-Madrona (9)
Book Review The LAST LECTURE by Randy Pausch by Rob Kall (7)
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Renowned Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck on "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Joan Brunwasser (5)
Turning Chaos Into Opportunity; Facing Adversity, Problems and Flaws by Rob Kall (5)
Part Two: Renowned Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck on "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Joan Brunwasser (5)
Positive Perception: Learn to See the World You Want: Self Regulation of selective perceptual filtering by Rob Kall (5)
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